ICE COLD Spring & Fall and Connections COnferences 2013
No Registration Web 2.0 2013
Welcome to my newly combined binder of my Ice Cold Spring & Fall 2013 and Connections 2013 conference presentations exploring No registration Web 2.0 tools still viable after 10 years! As sites disappear or change, each binder was growing smaller so bringing these binders together provides visitors with 28 tools to try, along with many of my test examples Web 2.0 tools encourage creativity, inspiration, authenticity, collaboration and are the means for our students to communicate and meet the demands of core curriculum standards. They are easily available through the web browser, anytime/anyplace and users are not tied to locally installed software. Add the availability of Web 2.0 tools that require no usernames, passwords, or email addresses and their usefulness increases for users of all ages. Come find out what’s new with no registration tools for 2013 to support learning opportunities in your classroom.